LBCHAT! New Guest Opinions

NEW this year!

LBCHAT welcomes Laguna residents who have city related knowledge, experiences and areas of expertise to share publicly. If there’s a community topic that interests you and you think other locals would be interested and should be aware of – please share it with us.

Our goal at LBCHAT is to help educate and inform Laguna Beach locals, especially voters, on the workings of our city government and issues concerning to residents. City facts and data sharing is important to us.

Guest columns should be no longer then 1,000 words and include information references and data sources to support any/all claims. Guest columns will include a content disclaimer stating: The views and opinions of any guest columnist is the sole responsibility of that guest columnist and the columnist or city residents cannot hold LBCHAT or its publisher liable for the views, information or opinions expressed in this section. All items submitted by the public must be approved by LBCHAT’s Publisher prior to publishing on this site.

Please submit your guest column articles to: contact us

We look forward to being enlightened by the information and perspectives you share. This is your community and you can make it better.

Thank you. LBCHAT