Political Reform Act was passed by CA voters in 1974
The PRA places prohibitions against conflicts of interest on the part of elected officials and public employees. A tool that allows the public to determine whether elected officials or public employees are obeying the law is the requirement to file a form 700 “Statement of Economic Interests”. This annually filed form requires the disclosure of Economic Interests such as: non-government income sources (primary and spouse) that stem from business activities in the jurisdiction, non-retirement investment holdings, investment real-estate, and gifts received. Required filers include a long list of elected officials, appointed members of boards and commissions and certain public employees who serve in positions with “decision making” authority.
The FPPC oversees the process of Form 700 collection, oversight and compliance. Their general guidance to Form 700 filers is to seek advice from the FPPC when there are questions about financial disclosure requirements. But at its most simple, when in doubt, err on the side of being more transparent, not less. The FPPC provides access to the annual (and entering/exiting office) Form 700s for certain state and local elected officials. If the reader wishes to review the Form 700s of city councilmembers, following this link will take you to a search engine where the desired Form 700s can be found going back to 2009.
LagunaBeachCHAT’s mission of local transparency has led us to request the Form 700s for all Laguna Beach elected officials, as well as those for appointed board and commission members and decision-making City officials. There are 2 categories of Form700 filers: Category 1 which is reserved for Elected officials and senior personnel and Category 2 for everyone else. As you’d expect, Category 1 filers have more stringent disclosure requirements. The list of LB Form700 filers and the category into which they fall can be viewed here. If you see something in these filings that you believe to be incomplete or incorrect, please contact LagunaBeachCHAT. Thank you.
To see the 2016 Form700 filings submitted by Elected Officials, City Employees or Appointed Boards/Commissions, follow the links below.
Elected Officials Appointed Boards/Commissions