Submitted by Guest: Mike Morris (September 22, 2018)
Liberate Laguna sounds like a grass-roots organization working to free Lagunans of the tyranny of City Hall. Burdened by the uncaring bureaucracy, Liberate Laguna sounds like a breath of
fresh air to the average resident; perhaps a counterweight to the heavy-hand of Village Laguna.
Until you take a look at their Form 460 (reportable donations), required under the Political Reform Act. Their 1 filing (for the period of 1Jan18 thru 30Jun18) reveals only 5 donors pulling
together an impressive $33,000 tally in a very short period of time. When you examine the Names & Occupation/Employer information, you’ll quickly see familiar names of some of the biggest developer/real-estate-investors in town. The smallest donation is $500 and the largest $10,000. Indeed 2 of their donors are responsible for $22,000 (2/3s) of their war-chest. So much for
Make no mistake, these folks are working to loosen all manner of restrictions/oversight on development in Laguna Beach.