City Council Candidates November 5, 2024 Elections

City Council Candidates:

1) Judie Mancuso – Campaign Website.
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Judie Mancuso

2) Hallie Jones – Campaign Website coming soon.
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Hallie Jones

City Clerk Candidates:

City Clerk Ann-Marie McKay Campaign Candidate Intension 501 statements

Treasurer Laura Parisi Campaign Candidate Intension 501 statements

Media and General Public Candidate Related Articles and Opinions for the November 5, 2024 Election Below: As Available…


2024 PAC and 501(c)4 Group Campaign Disclosure Forms

Political Action Committee (PAC’s)

Advocates for Laguna Residents PACS:

Advocates for Laguna Residents PAC (ID # 1455392)

Laguna Residents First PACS:

Laguna Residents First PAC (ID#1421491)

Laguna Residents First (LRF) PACS:

Laguna Residents First (LRF) PAC LB Survey 2024

Laguna Beach Firefighters Association PACS:

Laguna Beach Firefighters Association PAC (ID#1422691)

Laguna Beach Police Employee Association PACS:

Laguna Beach Police Employee Association PAC (ID #1346972)

Village Laguna Inc. PACS:

Village Laguna Inc. PAC Amendment filed April 2, 2024

Village Laguna Inc. PAC Amendment filed April 5, 2024

Village Laguna Inc. PAC (ID#990381)

Village Laguna (Jul 1 – Sept 24 2022) amendment

Village Laguna (Oct 18 – Dec 31, 2020) amendment

Village Laguna (Oct 23 – Dec 31 2022) amendment

Village Laguna (Sept 20 – Oct 17, 2020) amendment

Village Laguna (Sept 25 – Oct 22 2022) amendment

Citizens for Laguna’s Future PACS:

Citizens for Laguna’s Future PAC (ID#1450234)

Laguna Matters PACS:

Laguna Matters PAC (ID#1420991)

LB Taxpayers Association PACS:

LB Taxpayers Association PAC (ID#0352402)

Ballot Measure Committees

The Laguna Alliance / Laguna Beach Company Ballot Measure Committee (ID#145537)

Citizens for Laguna’s Future / Ballot Measure Committee (ID#1450234)

Citizens for Sustainable Laguna Beach / Ballot Measure Committee (ID#1441800)

Samuel Goldstein

Meet Sam Goldstein, Co-founder of Liberate Laguna, Laguna Beach owner of Mozambique Restaurant and concert venue, owner of the Heisler Building housing his other restaurant and concert venue, Skyloft, and co-founder of Laguna Beach Live!.

Goldstein Samuel – 497 Aug 11 2020 – redacted – Click here

Goldstein Samuel – 497 Aug 31 2020 – redacted – Click here

Goldstein Samuel – 497 Sept 17 2020 – redacted – Click here

Goldstein Samuel – 497 Sept 18 2020 – redacted – Click here

Goldstein Samuel – 497 Sept 23 2020 – Click here

Steve Dicterow

View the Laguna Beach Police Report for Steve Dicterow here

Form 460 Campaign Funding Disclosure Statements:

Dicterow Steve – 460 July 1 – Sept 19 2020 redacted

Media and other Candidate information:

Letters To The Editor – Steve Dicterow – Click here

Dicterow Taps His Home For Cash – read here

Mayor Dicterow’s Bankruptcy – read here

Resident Files Two Sworn Complaints With Fppc* See April 24, 2017 Update! – read here

Favoritism At City Hall For Hedge and View Claims – read here

2020 PAC and 501(c)4 Group Campaign Disclosure Forms

Citywide PAC Campaign Contributions Spending 2020 Election:


Laguna Residents First (PAC):

Laguna Residents First – 460 Jan 1 – June 30 2020 – redacted – Click here

Laguna Residents First – 460 July 1 – Sept 19 2020 – redacted – Click here

Laguna Matters (PAC):


Liberate Laguna (PAC):

Liberate Laguna – 460 Jan 1 – June 30, 2020 – Click here

Liberate Laguna PAC 460 Form (July 1 – Sept 19 2020) – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 8 2020 – redacted – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 11 2020 – redacted – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 14 2020 (Tracy Flyer) – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 14 2020 (Whalen Flyer) – Click here

Liberate Laguna PAC 496 Sept 14 2020 (Nokes) – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 23 2020 (Nokes) redacted – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Sept 23 2020 redacted – Click here

Liberate Laguna – 496 Oct 1 2020 redacted – Click here

Liberate Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct 5 (Dicterow) – Click here

Liberate Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct. 5, 2020 (Nokes) – Click here

Village Laguna (PAC):

Village Laguna – 460 Jan 1 – June 30, 2020 redacted – Click here

VL 460 Form (Jul-Sept 2020) – Click here

Village LagunaPAC Form 496 Sept 30 2020 (Weiss) mailing – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 30 2020 (Weiss) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 30 2020 (Nokes) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 30 2020 (Flores)  – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 30 2020 (Flores) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 28 2020 (Weiss) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Sept 28 2020 (Flores) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct. 2 2020 (Flores) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC 496 Oct. 2 2020 (Weiss) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct. 5 2020 (Flores) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct 5 2020 (Weiss) – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 497 Oct 5 2020 – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct. 7 2020 (Weiss) mailer amendment – Click here

Village Laguna PAC Form 496 Oct. 7 2020 (Flores) mailer amendment – Click here

Village Laguna Form 496 Oct. 9, 2020 (Flores) -Click here

Village Laguna Form 496 Oct. 9, 2020 (Weiss) – Click here

Laguna Beach Police Employee Association  (PAC):

Laguna Beach Police Employee – 460 Jan 1 – June 30, 2020 – Click here

LB Police Assoc. From 496 Oct.5, 2020 (Dicterrow) – Click here

LB Police Assoc. Form 496 Oct 6 (Whalen) – Click here

Laguna Beach Fire Fighters Association (PAC):

Laguna Beach Firefighters Association – 460 Jan 1 – June 30 2020 – Click here

Laguna Public Recreational Facilities Conservancy (LPRFC) (PAC):

LPRFC City Candidate Endorsement – Click here

City Council Candidates November 3, 2020 Elections

1) Steve Dicterow – – No Campaign Website. Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 7, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Steve Dicterow

2) Ruben Flores – Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 7, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Ruben Flores

3) Larry Nokes – Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 4, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Larry Nokes

4) George Weiss – Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: George Weiss

5) Bob Whalen – – Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 6, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Bob Whalen

City Clerk Candidates:

1) Ann Marie McKay – Turned in nomination papers: July 30, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Ann Marie McKay

2) Mariann Tracy – Turned in nomination papers: AUGUST 5, 2020 (Candidate Statement & Signatures verified by the ROV)
Check out Candidate Community Related Articles and Opinions: Mariann Tracy

Media and General Public Candidate Related Articles and Opinions for the November 3, 2020 Election Below: As Available…

Letter to the Editor – LTE-Dicterow 

Letter to the Editor – LTE-Weiss-Flores

Guest Letter from Resident Mike Morris

I’ve been attending City Council meetings regularly for several years. I like civic engagement and hope that my singular focus on spending-issues has made positive contributions to our collective wallet. In the past, no matter the issue, no matter how contentious, there was always a level of decorum and civility that was impressive. I had the sense that everyone would have their say without fear of derision, ridicule or bullying. All of that changed on December 4, 2018 with the swearing-in of Peter Blake.

Now, council meetings are raucous and uncivil. Speakers have to expect disrespect from the dais if they dare comment on one of Mr. Blake’s many hot-button issues. If you are a member of Village Laguna, you have come to expect bullying, and diminishment as a member of a non-representative, stuck-in-the-past, overly powerful & busybody organization that is holding Laguna Beach back. I honestly admire the many VL folks (typically mature people) who never-the-less are compelled to speak their truth to power in the face of such behavior.

For all of the potential positive contributions that Mr. Blake could offer the city, I feel he limits his effectiveness because of his disrespectful and bullying nature. Unfortunately, I think he sees this as part of his appeal…his “brand” if you will.

I’ll probably be on the receiving end of Mr. Blake’s wrath for posting this. I’ve been on the receiving-end before, so it won’t come as a surprise. {Update: 31Aug19 – wrath received! :)}

(For those who want to verify that I have not in any way manipulated the video, the 1st clip is taken from the City Council meeting on 9July2019. The comments occurred at around 4:37 (4hours and 37 minutes). Item 18 was added to the agenda by Mr. Blake, and dealt with the possible “abandonment” of the walkways in Temple Hills. According to my records, 31 people spoke on the issue. 14: pro-abandonment, 15: anti-abandonment and 1 inconclusive. If you have the patience to listen to the City presentation on the topic, and all 31 speakers, you’ll witness other disrespectful behavior from Mr. Blake. The second clip is from Council meeting on 6Aug19, concerning item #13, changes to the DRB process. The last clip shows Blake cheer leading for an exceptional “retention raise” for our 3-yr Assist City Mgr, of $25,000/yr. My estimates of her total remuneration with this increase is $330,000/yr).

9July19 Council meeting – Constituents are Liars –
6Aug19 Council meeting – denigrating VL –
23July19 Council meeting – “agent of change” –

Candidate’s Public Background Records

LBChat has compiled candidate statements, websites/podcasts, news articles and public information obtained from candidates and public information sources. This includes Campaign Finance Disclosure 460 Forms. And, this year we are setting the vetting bar higher by including the California Public Record Act Code# 6253 (CPRA) Laguna Beach Police contacts: arrests, restraining orders, repossessions and other violations. Please click here to go directly to LBCHAT/2024candidatepublicinformationdocuments. LBCHAT intends to obtain and publish all local and state public record documents related to campaign finance and personal and/or criminal background information on every candidate running for a Laguna Beach Public Office position every campaign year.   

Thank you for being an informed voter. Our city’s health and future depends on it!  LBCHAT


CHAT stands for City Hall Accountability and Transparency. Our Mission: Laguna Beach CHAT desires to advance accountability and transparency. We serve residents by providing them with an open and honest platform to gain knowledge about City officials, functions and decisions that impact our quality of life and our local community. 

Merritt Statement On Endorsements

Name change:
I dropped my last name of Christiansen and started using my middle name “Merritt” to honor the family member I was named after.

Public Safety Experience:
I was sworn in by former O.C. Sheriff Brad Gates as a certified RESERVE DEPUTY Sheriff. Thereafter I did about six months of RESERVE VOLUNTEER activity for a SOUTH o.c. city.

City Council Member:
Served the City of Laguna Niguel. Served under the name Paul M. Christiansen. Ran for Laguna Beach City Council in 2014 under Paul Merritt. Was not elected.

Lorene Laguna Statement On Endorsements

Lorene Laguna:

Independent candidate serving the residents of the community. Registered organizations endorsements:

NO SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP candidate endorsement
NO POLITICAL PARTY candidate endorsement, City Counsel is a NON-PARTISAN OFFICE

I retained the services of a professional Campaign Compliance Officer to serve as my Treasurer.

I believe it is unwise and puts campaign at risk to leave the FPPC filing responsibilities to an inexperienced volunteer.

Lorene Laguna

Blake Statement On Endorsements

I hate both the republicans and democrats equally. I’m an independent and have always been one. I.m pro-abortian, gay rights and not into your religion. On the other hand, I’m also not willing to work seven days a week to support your social programs and don’t stay up at night thinking about ways to defend a criminal’s rights.

I am not listing endorsements from individuals or any groups. I am accepting zero donations from PAC’s or special interest groups.They’re welcome to do whatever they want as Liberate Laguna has.
I have hired Campaign Compliance as my treasurer and they are responsible for all official filings.

There is no one who’s willing to acknowledge having anything to do with advising me on my campaign. I do get calls daily from well wishers advising me on everything I’m doing wrong. lol


Liberate Laguna PAC – Developer Interest Donations

Submitted by Guest: Mike Morris (September 22, 2018)

Liberate Laguna sounds like a grass-roots organization working to free Lagunans of the tyranny of City Hall. Burdened by the uncaring bureaucracy, Liberate Laguna sounds like a breath of
fresh air to the average resident; perhaps a counterweight to the heavy-hand of Village Laguna.

Until you take a look at their Form 460 (reportable donations), required under the Political Reform Act. Their 1 filing (for the period of 1Jan18 thru 30Jun18) reveals only 5 donors pulling
together an impressive $33,000 tally in a very short period of time. When you examine the Names & Occupation/Employer information, you’ll quickly see familiar names of some of the biggest developer/real-estate-investors in town. The smallest donation is $500 and the largest $10,000. Indeed 2 of their donors are responsible for $22,000 (2/3s) of their war-chest. So much for

Make no mistake, these folks are working to loosen all manner of restrictions/oversight on development in Laguna Beach.